Streamline Your Bank Reconciliation Process with Copilot and Microsoft Dynamics

DYNASPACE, The Signature, Nii Opey St. AccraT The Signature, Innovative Center, Nii Opey St, Accra, Accra, GH

Speakers: To be annouced soon!! Topic: Revolutionizing Bank Reconciliation: Harnessing AI with Copilot in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central This session sheds light on how AI, through Copilot in Dynamics Business Central, is transforming bank reconciliation processes. By addressing common financial challenges, this session will provide participants with practical insights and strategies to optimize reconciliation workflows,...

DynamicsCon Regional: West Africa

Fiesta Royale Hotel 13 George W. Bush Hwy, Accra, GH

DUG is excited to bring a FREE Meetup event focused on Microsoft Dynamics 365 products (Business Central, Customer Engagement and Finance & Operations/SCM) and Power Platform to Accra, Ghana! ****Only those registered through Eventbrite will be able to attend.***** REGISTER HERE! Get ready for thrilling full day event packed with cutting-edge content related to Microsoft...

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