Navigating Career Success: A Panel Discussion on Avoiding Sabotage

Online event

Join us for an insightful panel discussion that delves into the strategies and insights needed to navigate your professional journey successfully. In today's dynamic and competitive work environment, it's crucial to be equipped with the right knowledge and skills to ensure sustained career progress. Our panelists, who are at different points along their career paths,...

Versatility vs. Expertise: Navigating the Generalist vs. Specialist Debate

Online event

Join us for an engaging panel discussion on the age-old debate: Versatility vs. Expertise. Our industry experts will explore the pros and cons of being a generalist versus a specialist, offering practical insights for individuals and organizations alike. Gain valuable perspectives, tips, and strategies to navigate this dynamic landscape and make informed decisions for your...

Leveraging Your Strengths for a Fulfilling Career and Life

Online event

Join us for an inspiring session with Nicole Carline, who is eager to share her journey and insights on finding deeper purpose in both career and life. This webinar will explore the importance of engaging in meaningful work and its impact on overall fulfillment. Nicole will delve into the research behind why purposeful work is...

Leveraging AI and Personality Assessments to Maximize Team Performance

Online event

AI is all the buzz, but how to make it practical is the key. In this session we will discuss and provide examples for how your company can utilize AI in conjunction with personality assessments to help ensure you have the right people in the right meetings to super charge your results. Speakers: Tom Doran...

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